이 글에서 추천드릴 배경음악은 바로 편안하면서도 밝은 분위기의 음악입니다.
The background music I'm going to recommend in this article is comfortable and bright music.
(아트리스트가 뭔지 잘 모르시면 아래 글을 참고해주세요)
1. Your Light Album by The David Roy Collective
다소 밝은 분위기가 적당히 빠른 템포와 편안한 배경음악으로 어느 영상이든 적절히 다양하게 쓰이기에 좋아보입니다.
The rather bright atmosphere seems to be good for any video to be used in a variety of ways with a moderately fast tempo and comfortable background music.
Uplifting, Hopeful, Love, Serious, Peaceful
Video Theme
Time-Lapse, Weddings, Road Trip, Travel, Lifestyle, Building & City, Medical, Industry, Aerials, Landscape
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Bells, Backing Vocals, Keys
Medium, Low
Cinematic, Pop
2. Campfire Calm Song by Paper Planes
이 곡 역시 적당히 빠른 템포의 밝은 분위기가 돋보여 여행 및 즐거운 브이로그 영상에 쓰이기에 매우 좋습니다.
This song also stands out with a moderately fast tempo and bright atmosphere, making it very good for travel and fun Vlog videos.
Uplifting, Carefree, Love, Hopeful, Peaceful, Serious, Playful
Video Theme
Time-Lapse, Documentary, Road Trip, Lifestyle, Building & City, Fashion, Medical, Industry, Aerials, Landscape, Nature, Weddings, Food, Education, Travel, Slow Motion
Mandolin & Ukulele, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Backing Vocals, Keys
Acoustic, Folk, Cinematic
3. Lights in the Dark Album by Brander
위 곡은 가볍게 웅장한 느낌을 주는 밝고 희망적인 배경음악입니다.
The above song is a bright and hopeful background music that gives a light grand feeling.
Lights in the Dark
'Lights in the Dark' is an Instrumental Cinematic Pop single, featuring a gradual, optimistic rise that reaches a Powerful and Uplifting explosion.
4. Vitamin by. J.A.K.
'Spectrum' is a duo of Electro-Pop songs blending chill, Carefree vibes with Groovy Vocal elements and subtle build-ups that add an Uplifting, Exciting feel.
위 추천곡은 제목은 vitamin인데 앨범명이 spectrum 이라고 나와있습니다.
The above recommended song is called Vitamin, and the album name is spectrum.